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Sowing God's Seeds

Where It Has Never Been Before

Jesus Christ Ministries Pakistan is spreading the Gospel and love of Jesus Christ throughout Pakistan.


Jesus Christ Ministries Pakistan is expanding Christ's Kingdom in Pakistan through its following missions and ministries:


  • Evangelism - Gospel Campaigns

  • Holy Bibles Distribution

  • Helping Persecuted Christians

  • Church-Planting

  • Orphanage

  • Free Medical Facilities for Poor

  • Food for Poor and Needy People

  • Children Ministry

  • Women Ministry

  • Disaster Relief and Humanitarian Aid

  • Rescuing and Freeing Christian Bonded Labors facing Slavery in Pakistan

  • Raising and Equipping Christian Leaders

  • Bible College


Why Pakistan




As you know, Pakistan is the 2nd largest Islamic nation in the world, with more than 197 million Souls. After the 9/11, Pakistan has become the focus of the world. Between Afghanistan, Iran, China, Kashmir, and India; Pakistan is a strategic nation. 97% of the population is Muslim. Christians and other religious minorities makes about 3 % of the population and suffer more than any other religious group. Christians in Pakistan are living in a very harsh and pathetic situation facing religious discrimination, religious intolerance, oppression, social subjugation and economic deprivation.


Therefore Christians are less privileged and backward and it makes difficult for Christian in Pakistan to grow in their faith and sustain a relationship with Christ.


A growing body of believers’ struggle under government persecution


A shortage of Bibles, Faith-Based Literature, Churches, and Pastors make it difficult for Christians and new believers to grow their faith and sustain a relationship with Christ.


In the persecuted environment, Pakistan has a desperate need for assistance in Evangelism, Church Planting, Leadership Development and Strengthening the Local Church. 


We would like to request you to take part in this greatest Harvest in an Islamic Nation.


Millions are still waiting for their first Gospel witness and more than half of Pakistan’s population has never heard about Jesus.


We are interested in building up a strong relationship and partnership with you.


It will be a great blessing for us to partner with you for His glory in Pakistan. We will be waiting for your optimistic reply and praying that we will be able to work together for Lord’s glory in Pakistan.

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